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Duration: Dark action track with drums and powerful strings build.
​Key Words: Fear/Dark/Rain/Mysterious/Mood/Drums/Strings/Lost/Confusion
Tune code: 155301HV
Catalogue Number: Pop-up347
Description:  Open, arid atmospheric bed with an underlying Arabic tone.
​Key Words: Lost/Hot/Dry/Fear/Wind/ Drama / Dark / Threatening
Tune code: 143482CP
Catalogue Number: Pop-up312
Description: Electronic bed with strings, hovering ominously.
​Key Words: Dark/ Fear/ Running/Lonely/ Devastation/ Scared/ Stings/ Drums
Tune code:  155301HW
Catalogue Number: Pop-up348
Description: A moody bed with a dark ambient flow with textures flowing in and out.
​Key Words: Ambient/ Hope/ Dark/ Stings/ Drums /Airy
Tune code:  155301KM
Catalogue Number: Pop-up349
Description: Important sounding bed with an urgency driven by harp and strong string swells.
​Key Words: Drama/ Urgent/ Ambient/ Hope/ Light/ Strings/ Drums / Movement.
Tune code: 155301KN
Catalogue Number: Pop-up350
Description: Positive sounding bed with driving drums and air that everything is going to be alright.
​Key Words: Hope/ Home/ America/ Big/Important/ Urgent/ Ambient/ Hope/ Light/ Stings/ Drums / Movement.
Tune code:  155301KP
Catalogue Number: Pop-up351
Description: Dark electronic bed with heavy synths building into a march.
​Key Words: Fear/ Military/ Synths/ Big/ Dark/ The End/ Death
Tune code: 141930BW
Catalogue Number: Pop-up319
Description: Part 1 of a musical suite called The Rainforest – Starting with huge explosion moving into a hunting string section emulating the being of the the devastation of a rain forest. At 1:16 seconds the piano motif  happens.
​Key Words: Rain Forest/Amazon/Environment/ De-forestation/Ballet/Strings/Piano
Tune code: 159438GR
Catalogue Number: Pop-up649
Description: Part of 2 a musical suite called The Rainforest – Opening with a  blues harmonica  which is then backed by orchestration and piano playing the main motif.
​Key Words: Rain Forest/Amazon/Environment/ De-forestation/Ballet/
Tune code:  159438GS
Catalogue Number: Pop-up650
Description: Part of 3 a musical suite called The Rainforest – Traditional instruments including pan pipes and percussion with forest sounds of birds and rain.
​Key Words: Rain Forest/Amazon/Environment/ De-forestation/Ballet/ Birds/ Rain/ Pan Pipes
Tune code: 159438GT
Catalogue Number: Pop-up651
Description: Part of 4 a musical suite called The Rainforest – Forest sounds.
​Key Words: Rain Forest/Amazon/Environment/ De-forestation/Ballet/
Tune code:  159438GU
Catalogue Number: Pop-up652
Description:Part 5 of a musical suite called The Rainforest. Dark drones and drums emulating the fire and destruction and de-forestation.
​Key Words: Rain Forest/Amazon/Environment/ De-forestation/Ballet/ Dark / Fire/ Man
Tune code: 141930BW
Catalogue Number: Pop-up653
Description:Part 6 of a musical suite called The Rainforest.
​Key Words: Rain Forest/Amazon/Environment/ De-forestation/Ballet/ Dark / Fire/ Man
Tune code: 159438GW
Catalogue Number: Pop-up654
Description: Part of 7 a musical suite called The Rainforest.
​Key Words: Rain Forest/Amazon/Environment/ De-forestation/Ballet/ Flute
Tune code: 159438HM
Catalogue Number: Pop-up655
Description: Part of 8 a musical suite called The Rainforest.
​Key Words: Rain Forest/Amazon/Environment/ De-forestation/Ballet/ Flute
Tune code: 159438HN
Catalogue Number: Pop-up656
Description: Part 9 of a musical suite called The Rainforest. Piano and flue playing the main motif.
​Key Words: Rain Forest/Amazon/Environment/ De-forestation/Ballet/ Flute/ Piano
Tune code: 159438HP
Catalogue Number: Pop-up657
Description: Part 10 of a musical suite called The Rainforest. Finale section with orchestration with a bright and hopeful atmosphere.
​Key Words: Rain Forest/Amazon/Environment/ De-forestation/Ballet/Brass/ Gongs/ Strings
Tune code: 159438HQ
Catalogue Number: Pop-up658