Top Menu (English)

Stephen Salewon

Duration: 3:43
BPM: 120
Description:  Indie Pop/Blues with a soulful male vocal and acoustic guitar.
​Key Words: Cage/ Soulful/ Relationships/ Game/ Grooving/ Acoustic/ Melodic/ Soulful
Tune code: 152315HP
Catalogue Number: Pop-up450
√ Instrumental available on request.
Duration: 3:55
Description: Feel good acoustic Pop track.
Key Words: Cherish/ Time/ Warm/ Boy/ Piano/ Violin/ Life/ Laughing/ Hopeful/ Evening
Tune code: 152315HQ
Catalogue Number: Pop-up458
√ Instrumental available on request.
Duration: 4:02
BPM: 119
Description: Warm mellow Indie Pop/folk with a soulful male vocal and acoustic guitar.
​Key Words: Acoustic/ Easy listening/ Mellow / Companionship/ Love / Heart /Symphony 
Tune code: 152315HR
Catalogue Number: Pop-up461
√ Instrumental available on request.
Duration: 4:07
BPM: 78
Description:  Gentle acoustic number with a powerful epic climax.
​Key Words: Home/Easy listening/ Mellow/ Forgetting/Acoustic/ Epic/  Melodic/ Soulful
Tune code: 152315HS
Catalogue Number: Pop-up459
√ Instrumental available on request.